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> Music Hero News : Make and Sell Your Very Own Rock Band Songs in Beta
post Jul 4 2010, 09:17 PM
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Ever want to see your own song on Rock Band? Well, now you can a the people behind the game have released a new feature known as the Rock Band Network. The network gives users the ability to upload their own songs and sell them to other users at prices ranging from $1-$3 dollars. Fortunately [...]

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post Mar 8 2011, 02:33 AM
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Wow always arouses such strong passions, both positive and negative,buy wow power leveling in the people who follow it.buy wow power leveling, It looms over the MMO landscape like an unshakeable monolith and,buy wow power leveling if you believe the hype,buy wow power leveling people either love it to bits or hate it to death with nothing in between.buy wow power leveling,
One of the things WoW understood, acknowledged and worked with very early on is subscriber churn. Players come and go from MMOs, playing a few months and then moving on for a few months or years before coming back for a few months. The trend was just starting back in 2004-2005, but these days it's a well-established fact of MMO life. Most of the gamers I know haven't played the same MMO solidly for the last 10 years, and I'm no exception.cheap wow power leveling, For one thing, boredom tends to set in with any game you play for any length of time;cheap wow power leveling and for another, there's always a new game just around the corner, and most gamers are nothing if not enthusiastic about new games. (How long the enthusiasm actually lasts is another issue, especially with the crop of rather lackluster MMOs we've had in the last couple of years.)cheap wow gold,
I think Cataclysm raised our expectations across all play-styles,cheap wow gold and in hindsight it may not be all that surprising that it didn't live up to all of them. The more vocally disappointed players seem to be the ones who played the raiding and item-treadmill game for years, getting bored but powering on, to whom Cataclysm isn't really offering the fundamental changes they were hoping for. For someone like me, however, who didn't take part in the endgame before and who didn't play long enough to really get bored and frustrated, this expansion has been hugely entertaining.buy wow gold,
Change is not always a bad thing. It may not be exactly what we want or expect, but given how unrealistic and self-interested MMO gamers can be,buy wow gold that's not always a bad thing either.
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