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> Music Hero News : Activision Says DJ Hero Was The Top Grossing New IP of 2009
post Jul 4 2010, 09:17 PM
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Activision claims that their new DJ Hero Game made the most money out of any new game this year, and I fully believe them. However, the statistic is not as impressive as it sounds. 1. DJ Hero sold bundled with a Turntable with $100 price tag. This means that the other games in the running [...]

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post Mar 8 2011, 02:33 AM
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wow power leveling,
An cutie wow power leveling respond to health &healing changes in cataclysm.wow power leveling,
You missed wow power leveling the part where I said health pools will be higher.cheap wow gold, Imagine a boss that takes say 3-4 hits to kill a tank,cheap wow gold but it also takes a healer 3-4 heals to top her back off.buy wow gold, Now efficiency of a healing spell can be as much of a consideration as direct throughput,buy wow gold since the tank is unlikely to die in your next GCD. Now coordination among healers can be a bigger deal since efficiency will matter.cheap wow power leveling, Now maximum health on the tank classes will matter less because the question of how long you can survive without a heal landing is largely academic.cheap wow power leveling Now avoidance on a tank can matter a little more because saving healer mana becomes as important as being table to take the next hit.As an aside,buy wow gold, healers will actually need enough healing tools and enough distinction among them so that they are really choosing the big,buy wow gold expensive heal vs. the small, cheap heal vs. the fast, expensive heal, to name just a few examples.
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