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> Rock Band (game only) Cheats
post Jan 24 2009, 04:52 PM
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I am a : Guitarist

"The IGN offices are filled with some of the most die-hard Rock Band fans we know, so we asked the various site editors for the strategies that make them stars. Some of the tips are helpful. Some are just dumb. Send them the hate mail."

Unlockable: All Songs

If you want to unlock every song in the game (which disables the ability to save), head to the game's title screen and insert the following code on any instrument: Red, Yellow, Blue, Red, Red, Blue, Blue, Red, Yellow, Blue.

Unlockable: Silver Instruments

To unlock a silver form of any of the four instruments (guitar, bass, drums, and mic), you must beat Bonus Tour Mode on any difficulty you choose. You must also use the instrument you intend on unlocking in beating Bonus Tour Mode, so that if, for instance, you wanted to unlock the Silver Bass, you should use the bass in Bonus Tour Mode.

Unlockable: Transparent Instruments

To unlock the "transparent" series of instruments (which gives you a transparent bass, guitar, drum kit and microphone), enter the Hall of Fame on that instrument. So, if you want the transparent bass, enter the Hall of Fame as a bassist.

Unlockable: Gold Instruments

To unlock a golden form of any of the four instruments (guitar, bass, drums, and mic), you must beat Solo Mode on any difficulty you choose. You must also use the instrument you intend on unlocking in beating Solo Mode, so that if, for instance, you wanted to unlock the Golden Bass, you should use the bass in Solo Mode.


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