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> Guitar Hero 3 Cheat Codes
post Feb 26 2009, 04:46 PM
Post #1

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I am a : Guitarist

All cheats work for PS2 - Wii - XBOX 360 game systems! All you have to do is type them in correctly.

I finally came across some cheats for Guitar Hero 3. Check em out. If you know of any other ones leave them in the comments and I will add them.

Enter all Cheats into the cheat menu.


Y = Yellow

B = Blue

O = Orange

G = Green

R = Red

( ) = Letters in Parentheses are to be hit at the same time when entering cheats.

Here is what we have so far.

Air Guitar:

(YB) (GY) (GY) (RB) (RB) (RY) (RY) (YB) (GY) (GY) (RB) (RB) (RY) (RY) (GY) (GY) (RY) (RY)



Performance Mode:

(RY) (RB) (RO) (RB) (RY) (GB) (RY) (RB)

Precision Mode:

(GR) (GR) (GR) (RY) (RY) (RB) (RB) (YB) (YO) (YO) (GR) (GR) (GR) (RY) (RY) (RB) (RB) (YB) (YO) (YO)

No Fail:

(GR) B (GR) (GY) B (GY) (RY) O (RY) (GY) Y (GY) (GR)

Easy Expert:

(GR) (GY) (YB) (RB) (BO) (YO) (RY) (RB)

Bret Michaels Character:

(GR) (GR) (GR) (GB) (GB) (GB) (RB) R R R (RB) R R R (RB) R R R

Large Gems:

G R G Y G B G O G B G Y G R G (GR) (RY) (GR) (YB) (GR) (BO) (GR) (YB) (GR) (RY) (GR) (GY)

Unlock All Songs (Permanent):

(YO) (RB) (RO) (GB) (RY) (YO) (RY) (RB) (GY) (GY) (YB) (YB) (YO) (YO) (YB) Y R (RY) R Y O

Unlock Everything (Permanent):


Thanks to ScoreHero.com, The Black Cat, and Steve for helping fill this section.

If we are missing anything please feel free to leave it in the comments and I will add it.


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