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> RockHero Rules, Updated: 21 Jan 2009
post Jan 21 2009, 11:54 AM
Post #1

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Group: Root Admin
Posts: 761
Joined: 21-January 09
Member No.: 1
OS: Windows NT Windows NT

I am a : Guitarist

Conduct of our Members:
Please maintain respect to all individuals on this board at all times. As we are a mixed community, there are a wide range of opinions, experiences, backgrounds, religions and ages.

General Forum Guidelines:
  • No aggressive behaviour or flaming in the forums.
  • No trashing other peoples topics (i.e. SPAM).
  • Languages other than English are accepted only if specified in title and the descriptions provided must be in English - updated 18 March 2007
  • No foul language and none whatsoever in titles.
  • No abuse towards other members.
  • No racist dialogue or content.
  • No offensive usernames (they will be altered or rejected at registration).
  • No porn, or almost porn, or maybe this is porn. If you have to ask "Is this porn?" It probably is. DO NOT put sexually explicit material, images, icons or anything similar… anywhere in these forums. "We're not here for that!" This also includes any "Art", link, erotic art, etc...
  • DO NOT ask for money or sell services through this website.
  • Advertising your Website is allowed on our terms only and with our approval. You will be warned for unauthorized adverts. If you are interested in advertising your site on our board, contact an Administrator.

Multiple Stuffs Threads:
DO NOT post multiple things within one post, i.e., make ONE post for ONE app, movie, album, or whatever. DO NOT list various items in ONE post.

General Requests Guideline:

  • Requests must only be posted in the DESIGNATED REQUEST SECTIONS!
  • Make your own request. Do not piggyback other's requests.
  • Requests are deemed by post count. i.e. you must have a certain amount of Posts in order to request in the appropriate section.

Signature and Avatar Guidelines:

  • Allowed formats are: .gif, .jpg and .png.
  • Be considerate. Resize your images to size specified: Avatar 100px
  • 100px / Siggy 300px
  • 100px (one signature is allowed). Browsers will rescale them anyway. Smaller images will be expanded and will not look good; larger images will just waste bandwidth and CPU cycles.
  • If you want to use user bars you can use up to maximum 4 bars, with max 400px
  • 20px.
  • DO NOT use potentially offensive material involving porn, religious material, animal / human cruelty or ideologically charged images. Administrators have a wide discretion on what is acceptable. If in doubt, PM an administrator.
  • Active links to external resources are NOT allowed.. Please use image hosting websites to link to your images.


  • Validating - Registered members who are not validated yet (validate by clicking the link in the E-Mail you received and wait for Administrators validation)
  • Members - The RH crowd
  • Trusted members - RH trusted members rewarded for their efforts and contribution... status gained at 10 posts
  • Private members - RH private members rewarded for their efforts and contribution... status gained at 100 posts
  • Elite members - RH private members rewarded for their efforts and contribution... status gained at 250 posts
  • Subscribers - Members who donated to FC. Use the “donate” button at the top of the forum if you are interested.
  • VIP members - RH members rewarded for their efforts and contribution...can be promoted or demoted by Staff.
  • Moderators - RH Forum Moderators
  • Admins - RH Administrators

Please DO NOT ask to become a VIP member: this promotion is ONLY for very deserving members!
You can only see a few forums because you are unregistered or because you have NOT validated the link you received by E-Mail after registering. Please VALIDATE the link. Your E-Mail address MUST be a valid address enabling yourself to receive the link for validating your registration.

([*]): After validating the link, please introduce yourself, let us welcome you and get into “action”!

Thanks for your attention.

RockHero Community Team.


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