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> Guitar Hero News : Guitar Hero Xbox 360 Downloads
post Sep 16 2010, 03:02 PM
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Guitar Hero Xbox 360 Downloads

Tired of the software you have available for your Xbox 360? Are you interested to try new software? Get hooked with Xbox 360 and you won’t have to leave the comfort of your room just to buy those latest videos and games! All you need to have is your broadband or high speed connection and your authorized or your own credit card for the purchase.

Xbox 360 has online multi-functions plus an expandable HD multi gig memory. With the said features, all you need is to connect through online and purchase downloads of mini-games, movies, and even TV shows! There are even downloads of demo versions of new or popular “must-have” games that you can try out first before buying the full version!

You may be curious if the Xbox 360 games can be copied. Definitely. However, you also need to do some home work. The first thing you will need is the right equipments

1. an Ethernet cable, a converting software ISO-file
2. a CD-ROM or a DVD writer
3. disc
4. software needed for your burning.

In order for you to successfully burn these games on your Xbox 360, you need to perform an installation process using a mod chip. Alternatively, you can also install or download firmware. This firmware is needed for you to bypass the system’s verification process thus allowing you to burn the games.

How to copy games to your PC

There are 10 new songs that come with the initial package of the guitar hero download. Most of these are rock songs from band like My Chemical Romance and Toadies.

Downloading guitar hero songs to your PC is very easy. You will just need an Ethernet cable, mod chip for xBOx to be able to play the downloaded games and a couple of software– one for converting the games to .ISO file and another for burning the games to the DVDs or CD-ROMs.

? The first thing that you should do is to connect your xBox to the computer with the use of the Ethernet cable. Once you get hooked with the source, you can now transfer the files and at the same time create backup on your hard drive.

? Once you have already downloaded the files, you can now convert it to .ISO files. You need to do this because the computer cannot recognize and open files that are not in .ISO format. You will require any software that can convert files to .ISO. If you do not have one, you can download free programs in the Internet for this.

? After converting the files, it is now time to copy and transfer it to the disks. You can use Nero’s Burning Rom or Alcohol 120 software when transferring files to DVDs or CDs. This set of software is most compatible with the xBox series. This software is also available through the Internet and you can download it anytime, if you haven’t got this one yet.

? Before continuing with the next set of games, you should try check it first with the xBox to make sure that it could read the disc properly. The usual problem encountered is that disc is not compatible with the player so try to look for the best CD or DVD to burn with.

If you are successful with the burning, you can go on with the other games and start enjoying the new guitar hero downloads.

Marcus Rolland writes informative articles on various subjects including Guitar Hero Xbox 360 downloads. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction. Check out the guide to http://backupxbox360downloads.blogspot.com

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