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> First Guitar Hero: Metallica Info/Song List Leaked
post Jan 28 2009, 02:38 PM
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First Guitar Hero: Metallica Info/Song List Leaked

It looks like Guitar Hero is about to bitch-slap Rock Band again in the "Insert Game Here: The Artist" category. The first details about the game and the song list for Guitar Hero: Metallica have been leaked out of Game Informer magazine and from the looks of things, GH:M will set the new standard for ALL following artist-focused music game releases to come.

Grab your drumsticks and take my hand......we're off to the Never Never Land of awesomeness!

The details below come from ScoreHero.com poster, MacaqueOwnzU, who posted the following on Score Hero's forum...

"Expert Plus: New Drum difficulty. It's a special difficulty for people with a splitter and two kick pedals. Not compatible with World Tour online Leaderboards.

DVD Style Content: Photos, set lists, fan club videos, rare live and behind the scenes footage

New tones: GHTunes is in the game and it offers up exclusive tones from James Hetfields ESP Truckster guitar and Slayers Tom Araya's ESP Bass.

Drum Fill Mode: New cheat that lets you play freestyle drums on song using Metallica drum sounds.

Metallifacts: Watch performances of each track overlaid with Pop-Up Video style windows that points out trivia.

Confirmed Songs:

Alice In Chains: No Excuses
Bob Seger: Turn The Page
Judas Priest: Hell Bent For Leather
Kyuss: Demon Cleaner
Lynyrd Skynyrd: Tuesdays Gone
Mastodon: Blood and Thunder
Michael Schenker Group: Armed and Ready
Samhain: Mother of Mercy
The Sword: Black River
Confirmed artists are Foo Fighters, Queen, and Slayer

Confirmed Metallica Tracks:
Enter Sandman
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Hit The Lights
King Nothing
Master of Puppets
No Leaf Clover
Nothing Else Matters
Sad But True
The Unforgiven
Where I May Roam"

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith had about 2/3 Aerosmith songs, and the last 1/3 other artists they toured with. I see no reason for that to drastically change, either. GH:Metallica seems to be off to a good start. Rock Band: AC/DC is about to get schooled in a MAJOR way.


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