> Template:Stats
Revision as of 06:39, 26 January 2009 by NickTheGreek (Talk | contribs)
(diff) ←Older revision | Current revision (diff) | Newer revision→ (diff)
Difficulty Total Notes Base Score 4-Star 5-Star
Easy {{{etotal}}} {{{ebase}}} {{{e4star}}} {{{e5star}}}
Medium {{{mtotal}}} {{{mbase}}} {{{m4star}}} {{{m5star}}}
Hard {{{htotal}}} {{{hbase}}} {{{h4star}}} {{{h5star}}}
Expert {{{xtotal}}} {{{xbase}}} {{{x4star}}} {{{x5star}}}


To use this template, copy/paste the code below, just remember to enter all the appropriate numbers after each =. Go to Score Hero to get the stats.
