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> Smoke On The Water

Album cover

Smoke On The Water
Performed by Deep Purple
Year 1972
Appears in Guitar Hero
Tier 1
★★★★ (Expert) 123,886
★★★★★ (Expert) 185,829

This song is considered one of the easiest songs in the entire Guitar Hero series. Its riff is very well known, and many people know the riff without knowing what song it is from.



By far the easiest song on any Guitar Hero yet you should have no problem doing this song.

Appears In

Guitar Hero (1st Tier)

A Cover Version of a song is a song that is recorded by a different artist than the original.

Cover versions are mostly used in Guitar Hero because of an artist not allowing the use of the original Master Track or otherwise not having the master track available. Cover versions are shown by the song as made famous by such as Heart-Shaped Box as made famous by Nirvana.

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock has significantly fewer of cover versions, since Neversoft was able to get more bands to sign up, while the series is now more famous. It should be noted that every bonus song has been a master track except for "She Bangs the Drums" in Guitar Hero III.

Every Guitar Hero game since Guitar Hero: World Tour does not contain any covers.

Song Stats

Difficulty Total Notes Base Score 4-Star 5-Star
Easy 557 31,041 62,082 93,123
Medium 709 41,200 82,400 123,600
Hard 787 47,318 94,636 141,954
Expert 898 61,943 123,886 185,829


100% on Expert

The following is a list of all the songs from Guitar Hero I.

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