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Guitar Hero is the first game in the Guitar Hero series. Guitar Hero was released on November 8, 2005 in North America, April 7, 2006 in Europe and June 15, 2006 in Australia



In Guitar Hero, players use the strum bar along with the fret buttons to play notes that scroll down the screen along a fretboard. The Easy difficulty only uses the first three fret buttons, that is, the green, red, and yellow. The Medium difficulty uses the blue button in addition to those three, and Hard and Expert use all five buttons.


A single note in Guitar Hero is worth 50 points. After a player correctly plays 10 notes correctly in a row, the score is multiplied by 2. This continues until a 4x multiplier is achieved. Star Power can double the score at any multiplier, and can bring the multiplier to its highest possible 8x. A single note would then be worth 400 and a chord worth 800.

Career Mode

Career mode is the primary mode of play on Guitar Hero. Players progress through the game by beating every song in a tier, then playing the encore song for that tier. Once the player has played every song in all six tiers, they have completed career mode.


The game features 47 playable songs; 30 of these tracks are covers of the originals. The additional 17 songs are by lesser-known groups. Many of these groups feature members of the Harmonix development team, while some are indie Boston area groups. Drist's guitarist, Marcus Henderson, provided lead guitar on 20 of the game's 30 cover tracks.

All cover tracks are credited on screen with the phrase "as made famous by" (e.g., "I Love Rock & Roll, as made famous by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts").

Main setlist

1. Opening Licks

2. Axe-Grinders

3. Thrash And Burn

4. Return of the Shred

5. Fret-Burners

6. Face-Melters

Bonus Tracks

Unused songs

These can only be unlocked through the use of a PlayStation 2 cheat device, such as GameShark, CodeBreaker or Action Replay.


Guitar Hero was very positively received by many major reviewers. Jeff Gerstmann of Gamespot praised its set list and accessibility to newcomers.[1]


Guitar hero is only available for PS2


  1. http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/puzzle/guitarhero/review.html
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